This novel is written by Brazilian author, Paulo Coelho in 1988. It was initially written and published in Portuguese. It is an international bestseller and has been translated to more than 70 languages. The book is relatively short having around 167 pages only. The theme is about finding one’s destiny or purpose in life.
The Alchemist is a fantastic book and the storytelling is beautiful. The choice of words are impeccable. It is full of wisdom and philosophy.
The story is very enchanting and bursts with optimism which is very important in our lives. The book shows that the journey to your destiny is as important as the destiny itself. The book emphasizes on the importance of faith, hope and spirituality through the story of an ordinary boy. The book appeals to everyone because we all have dreams and sometimes we just want someone to tell us that they may come true. Overall,”The Alchemist”is a very exciting fiction novel and it deserves a space at everyone’s bookshelf.
The story is about a Shepherd boy from Spain whose name is Santiago. He keeps getting the same dream about treasures that are lying in the Pyramids of Egypt. He embarks on a journey to follow his dream after meeting an old king who offers him magic stones and advice. Santiago crosses the Mediterranean and Sahara to find his treasures in Egypt and also accomplish his personal legend which is his purpose in life. The book details his journey and the various encounters that he experiences when following his dream. Throughout the journey, Santiago meets many new people and a lot of difficulty which ultimately helps him to learn and grow the entire way.