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DG ISPR dispels martial law rumors

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The Director General of Inter-Services Public Relations (DG-ISPR), Major General Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry, has denied the possibility of martial law being imposed in Pakistan.

In an interview with a private news channel, Major General Ahmed Sharif Chaudhry, DG ISPR, stated that the armed forces are united despite internal and external propaganda. He emphatically stated that “there is no chance of martial law in Pakistan”.

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The spokesperson of the military’s media wing further added that the Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Asim Munir believes in democracy and the Pakistan Army stands united under his leadership. He also clarified that no one has resigned from the armed forces.

The DG ISPR dismissed the baseless rumours of martial law in the country, stating that the military leadership fully supports democracy.

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