The European Union’s flagship policy aimed at restoring damaged nature has been put in a precarious position after Hungary withdrew its support for the bill. The law, which requires countries to introduce measures restoring nature on a fifth of their land and sea by 2030, would be one of the EU’s most significant environmental policies. Its aim is to reverse the 81% of Europe’s natural habitats that are classified as in poor condition. However, the policy has faced a backlash from some governments and lawmakers who are concerned that it would impose burdensome rules on farmers and clash with other industries.
The latest blow came after Hungary withdrew its support for the law, which led to the cancellation of the vote on Monday among EU countries’ environment ministers. The move wiped out the already-slim reinforced majority of countries that were in favor of the policy. Some EU diplomats believe that Hungary’s withdrawal was a purely political move as the country already has large protected natural areas, which means it could comply with the content of the EU nature law.
Hungary’s state secretary for environment, Aniko Raisz, said that Hungary was not opposed to protecting nature but suggested that environmental goals needed to be realistic and consider the sectors affected. The agricultural sector is a vital sector in Hungary and all over Europe, Raisz said, adding that the policy should take it into account.
Despite the opposition, some EU countries have urged others not to cancel the policy. German Environment Minister Steffi Lemke said that they cannot give up and urged member states to reach a breakthrough on the law. Spanish climate minister Teresa Ribera said that it would be a “huge irresponsibility” to reduce efforts to tackle worsening nature loss and climate change.
The EU has already weakened several green rules to address months of angry farmers’ protests over complaints, including strict green EU regulations. The law’s cancellation comes amidst increased political scrutiny of green measures ahead of the EU Parliament elections in June, as acknowledged by Dutch climate minister Rob Jetten. The environment ministers were due to discuss their next steps on the law on Monday afternoon.
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