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Long Walk to Freedom and the Universal Message for Marginalized Communities

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Dr Bilawal Kamran

The Universal Message of Long Walk to Freedom

Mandela’s Long Walk to Freedom is a remarkable autobiography that chronicles the life and struggles of Nelson Mandela, the anti-apartheid leader and former president of South Africa. The book covers his early years, education, involvement in the African National Congress, imprisonment, release, and rise to power. The book is based on Mandela’s writings and interviews, as well as the accounts of his friends and colleagues. It is a testament to his courage, resilience, vision and leadership. The book is a testament to the enduring courage of Nelson Mandela, with a universal message for all the marginalized communities in the world for political rights and freedoms.

The book has many strengths as a literary work. It is written clearly and engagingly, with vivid descriptions of the events and characters that shaped Mandela’s life. It is also rich in historical and political context, providing insights into the complex and oppressive system of apartheid and the resistance movements that challenged it. The book also reveals Mandela’s thoughts and feelings, doubts and fears, hopes and dreams, and moral and ethical principles. The book shows how Mandela evolved from a young lawyer to a militant activist to a reconciliatory statesman without losing his core values and convictions.

However, the book also has some limitations and weaknesses. One of them is the length and scope of the book, which spans over 600 pages and covers more than seven decades of history. This makes it difficult to follow the details and nuances of some events and issues, especially for readers unfamiliar with South African history and politics. The book also tends to focus more on Mandela’s political activities than his personal life, leaving out some aspects of his family relationships, marriages, children, and health. Moreover, the book is inevitably biased by Mandela’s perspective and interpretation of events, which may only sometimes be accurate or objective. For instance, some critics have pointed out that Mandela downplays or omits some of the violent actions and controversial decisions of the ANC and its armed wing, the Umkhonto we Sizwe.

Despite these flaws, the book is still a valuable and inspiring source of information and inspiration for anyone who wants to learn more about Mandela’s life and legacy. The book offers many lessons for readers who aspire to follow his example of fighting for justice, freedom and democracy. The book provides multiple lessons, which include never giving up on your ideals and goals, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable obstacles and challenges. Furthermore, always be willing to learn from others, especially those with different views and experiences from your own. Also, always be flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances and opportunities without compromising your principles and integrity. Then, be humble and respectful of others, even when they are your enemies or opponents. Always be forgiving and compassionate towards those who have wronged or harmed you. There is a need to be optimistic about the future, even when the present seems bleak or hopeless.

Mandela’s long walk to freedom is a story of his own life and South Africa’s transformation from a divided and oppressive nation to a united and democratic one. It is a story that can inspire people worldwide to pursue their dreams of freedom and dignity. The best thing about the book is the universal message of resistance, preserving, and conserving. Accordingly, the book may enlighten the leaders of third-world countries. Pakistan is also facing a democratic and representative crisis. Therefore, the leaders in Pakistan may take inspiration from the book and become more resilient and steadfast in their struggle for the rights of the people. 

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